The Tarn is a river of the South of France. It is situated in the mountains of the "Massif Central" and flows into the Garonne.
The Tarn is appreciated for the gorges which it has dug upstream to Millau and which are remarkable places.
The tourist activities are: canoeing, rafting, Hydrospeed, sport fishing, bathing, sailing and rowing
The Albi motorace circuit is a automobile circuit which is 3573 meters long. It was created in 1959. In the beginning, the races were junior then junior, formule 2 and the formule 3.Today,there have been 67 "grand prix" on this circuit. This grand prize is called: THE GRAND PRIZE OF ALBI. The winner of the 1 st grand prix is called Colin David. Here are some photos:
Gaillac is a vineyard of the South. West. It is situated fifty kilometers North East of Toulouse. Gaillac is one of the oldest vineyards of France. The Gaillac appellation area covers two thousand five hundred hectare spread over seventy-three caves for an A.O.C production of over hundred sixty five thousand hcl. It can produce a great variety of elaborate wines a wide range of dry, sweet and a "perlé" (sparkling) white wines, red and rosé as well as sparkling wines.
The old bridge of Albi, seen from the banks of the Tarn. Imagined in the 15th century it has been finally built in 16th century and allowed finally to join highly-rated Castelvel.The bridge was itself strengthened, houses were built on its top, and this bridge served as toll. It was first stone-built then brick-built. Today the bridge does not carry any more neither houses nor the main entrance towards the old district.
Jean Jaurès is a french politician ,born in Castres (Tarn) on september 3 rd ,1859 and dead slaughtred in Paris on july 31 st,1914.Speak and socialist parliamentarion he notably distinguished by his pacifism and its opposition to the First World War.
Jean-françois de Galaup, its Laperouse was born in 1741 to Albi. It is a sailor(browser) and a French explorer. He(it) enters in sailor it in 1756. He(it) participates in several campaigns(countrysides) against English. They becomes famous in particular in 1782 by attacking(affecting) and by destroying(annulling) the English establishments of the bay(berry) of Hudson. Lapérouse is in charge of in 1785 by king louis XVI of an exploratory expedition around the world; leaves thus Brest on August 1st, 1785 with frigates(frigate birds) the compass and the astrolabe in 1788 one stops having ofnews(short stories)...
Aussac is a small village of 300 inhabitants. You can find in the village a pretty church. Opposite of the church you can see a part of the old castesof Aussac.
When was it built? We do not know because it is very ancient. In old documents we already find information on the church Saint Saint Pierre Aux Liens: XII century: «Florentin must be already live Seigneurial rights in favour of Abbot de Candeil by Raimond de Rigal of Florentine (1177). »Ed because we find archives giving evidence of donations of some Right seigneurial in favour of Abbot of Candeil by Rémond of Rigal of Florentin (1177). "
Why this church it is original ? This church is original because above the door it is written there " French republic, freedom, equality, brotherhood. "
Who are the most known priests?Three the oldest priests are:
The three cures the most recent are:
- 1985 … DESPRATE Bernard cleaned out by Fonlabourg
- 1987 … PERUFFO Vincent cleaned out by Marssac
- 2001 … VINCENEAU Jean Claude cleaned out by the cathedral ST CÉCILE
IME(MEDICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE) is a castle which welcomes mentally handicapped persons. In the time a Lord lived there. This castle belonged to Alain De Chanterac. This castle is situated next to Florentin's church.
The S.C.A (sporting club of Albi) is our rugby team. The colour of the t-shirt of Albi is yellow and black. There is a ring road which passes nearby the stadium where the players play rugby.
In our school (of Florentin), there are four classes. One with the children from two to four years old. Their teachers are Yaël, Lorraine, Josy assists them. Another class with the children from five to seven years old whose teacher is called Valérie and is assisted by Yvette. A third class is the one with children from eight to nine years old. And the last class (ours) that of the chidren from ten to eleven years old. Our teacher is Claude.
Just next to scool there is a senter (CLAE), which welcomes the pupils in the morning from7:30am till 8:50 am, at noom from 12 pm till 1:20 pm and in the evening from 4:30 pm till 6:30 pm.
Castelnau of Lévis's castel was built in 1235 by Sicard Alaman on a Rock peak named "volcanic hill of bonnafous", before the family of Lévis inherrits it and give him its name.A village was built at the feet of the bulwarks.There is only a ruin of a high Watchtower of 35m dominating the valley of the Tarn and the city d'Albi.
Toulouse-Lautrec was born in 1864 on November 24th to Albi ( Tarn). And died in 1901, 37years old, on September 9th in the Castle Malromé, Saint-André-du-bois.
He was : painter, draftsman, and illustrator.
Alcoholic during the largest part of its adult's life.
He had a happy childhood until the moment when, as a result of the consanguinity of his parents, began in 1874 a disease which affected the development of bones, pycnodysostose.
Atlantis is a swimming pool which has ten bassins: one olympic size pool, a false, a paddling pool, one jacuzzi, one pond for children from two to six years old, two ponds where we can make water polo and play on huge buoys and slides. Outside, there is a small pond with a fountain and a pantaglisse.
The Berbie palace, one of the oldest and best-preverved bishop palaces in France, overlooks a famous garden , in french classical style. It was built at the end of the 13th century. Today, it is the museum of the painter Toulouse-Lautrec.
Das Schloss Schönfeld wurde 1977 von Graf Schönfeld gebaut. Viele Könige, unter anderem König Jerôme lebte dort. Eine von König Jerômes Töchtern wurde dort geboren, und erhielt den Namen „Gräfin von Schönfeld“.
The castle Schönfeld was built at 1977 by count Schönfeld. Much kings, one of them was king Jerôme, live there. One of king Jerôme's daughters was born there and had the name „Countess of Schönfeld“.
Das Palais Bellevue wurde 1714 von dem Franzosen Paul du Ry gebaut. Die Brüder-Grimm-Ausstellung konnte am 21.10.1972 im Erdgeschoß des Palais Bellevue in Kassel eröffnet werden. Im März 1999 wurde nach den Beschlüssen des Museumskuratoriums dem Brüder-Grimm-Museum das gesamte Haus für Ausstellungszwecke übergeben.
The Palais Bellevue was built in 1714 by Frenchman Paul du Ry. The Brothers Grimm exhibition was opened on 21.10.1972 on the ground floor of the Bellevue Palace in Kassel. In March 1999,following decisions by the trustees Handed over to the Brothers Grimm Museum, the entire house for exhibition purposes.
Zu Beginn des 20 Jahrhunderts wurde von 1905 bis 1909 das Rathaus von Karl Roth im Neubarock gebaut. Im 2 Weltkrieg wurde das Rathaus stark beschädigt, sein Umgebung zerstört. Seit dem Wiederaufbau zeigt es eine schlichte Dachform,später bekam das Rathaus einen Neubau. Meine Eltern arbeiten im Rathaus.
At the beginning of the 20th Century , was built from 1905 to 1909 the city hall of Karl ROTH in neo-baroque. In the 2nd Worl War 2 heavily damaged the city hall, destroying its environment. Since the reconstuction it shows a simple roof form, and later the city hall got a new bulding. My parents are working in the city hall.
1908 stiftete Aschrott einen Brunnen. Herr Aschrott stammte aus jüdischer Familie. Der Brunnen sollte vor dem Rathaus stehen. In der Mitte hatte er eine 12 Meter hohe Sandsteinpyramide. Der Brunnen war mit vier wasserspeienden Widderköpfen verziert. 1939 machten die Nazis den sogenannten "Judenbrunnen" wieder kaputt. 1987 baute der Kasseler Künstler Horst Hoheisel den Brunnen, als Negativform, des Originals, neu.
The Aschrott Well
In 1908 Aschrott donated a well. He was jewish. The well standed befor the town hall.On the Middle was a 12 Metre high sandstonepyramid. It was ornated with for water injecting Aries hads. In 1939 the Nazis destroyed the so-called "Jew Well" again. In 1987 the Kassel artist Horst Hoheisel rebuilt the well as a negative form of the original.
Die Schwaneninsel liegt in der Karlsaue in Kassel. Die Karlsaue ist eine große Parkanlage in der Nähe der Stadt. Auf der Schwaneninsel steht ein kleines Tempelchen. Die goldene Kugel auf dem Dach des Tempelchens ist der Planet Jupiter. Erbaut wurde das Tempelchen von 1722-1728.
The Schwaneninsel
The Shwaneninsel is an Island in the Karlsaue in Kassel. The Karlsaue is an big Park near the city. On the Schwaneninsel stand a little Tempelchen. The golden ball on the roof of the Tempelchen is the planet Jupiter. The Tempelchen was build in 1722-1728
The Ottoneum were mamed after the son of Landgrave Moritz. The Ottoneum was the first theater that was build of stone. After the war it was re-built. Now it is a nuseum of matere history.
Landgraf Moritz hat das Ottoneum nach seinem Sohn Otto benannt. Das Ottoneum war das erste Theaterhaus das fest gebaut war. Nach dem Kreig wurde es wieder aufgebaut und zum aturkundemuseum von Kassel.
Die Spitzhacke am Fuldauferist entstanden durch Claes Oldenburg, der bei der documenta diese Kunstwerk gebaut hat. Die Spitzhacke ist 12m hoch. Obwohl sie sehr leicht aussieht ist sie 5 Tonnen Schwer. Angeblich hat Herkules sein Werkzeug über die ganzi Stadt bis an das Fuldaufer geschleudert.
The pick – axe at the bank af the Fulda was created by Claes Oldenburg who has built this work of art at the documenta. The pick-axe is 12m high. Although it books verylight the weight of it is 5 tons. Pretentiously Hercules has thrown his tool all over the city down to the bank of the Fulda.
Der Rahmenbau ist ein Kunstwerk von der Künstlergruppe Hans-Rucker-Co. Das 1977 gebaute Kunstwerk ist inzwischen über 33 Jahre alt. Wenn man durch das kleine Viereck sieht, sieht man auf den Mittelturm der orangerie. Der Rahmenbau ist Süd östlich von dem Friedrichsplatz gelegen.
The construction
The construction is a work of art from the group Hans-Rucker-Co. The work of art is meanwhile over 30 years old. It was built in 1977. If you look through the little square, you can see the tower of the Orangerie. The construction is in south east from the Friedrichsplatz.
Die Fulda ist der größte Fluss in Kassel. Die Fulda gibt der Stadt Kassel Strom und frische Luft. In der Fulda kann man schwimmen und sie friert im Winter manchmal zu. An der Fulda sind viele Rudervereine.
The Fulda is the bigest river at kassel. The Fulda fuve electric energie and fresh air to the city. You can swim in the Fulda and sometimes in the winter theFulda freeze in. At the Fulda there are many rowing clubs.
Der Turm vom hohen Gras Der Turm vom hohen Grasist gut für Wanderer und man hat ein guten Ausblick auf Kassel. The tower of the Long grass The tower of the long grass is a good placefor walkers and it is a good place for lookingaround Kassel.
Den Blue Dancer hat Kazuo Katase gebaut. Der Blue Dancer hängt über der Fulda seit 2003. Die Eimer sind aus feuerverzinktem Stahl gebaut. Der Blue Dancer hängt an einem Drahtseil in 10 Metern Höhe. Der Blue Dancer leuchtet in der Nacht blau.
Blue Dancer
The blue dancer was built by Kazuo Katase. The blue dancer hangs over the fulda since 2003. The bucket is made from steel and is 10 meters over the water. The blue dancer shines blue in the night.
Die Orangerie ist ein Gebäude in einem großem Park in unserer Stadt. In der Orangerie ist ein Museum und ein Plänetarium. Die Orangerie wurde von 1701-1710 Gebaut. Dort wurden im Sommer Feste Gefeiert und im Winter hat man die Palmen und Orangenbäume hineingestellt. Heute spielen viele Leute vor der Orangerie Fußball oder Federball, laufen und Picnicen. Es ist ein Wunderschöner Ort. Ich wohne in der Nähe, nur 10 Minuten.
The Orangerie
The Orangerie is a building in a park in our town.In the Orangerie is a museum with a plänetarium. The Orangerie was built from 1701-1710.They had parties there in somner and in winter they put trees like orangen trees and palmen trees inside. Today a lot of peoples play fotball or badminton and walk or have a picnic in front of the Orangerie.Its great. I live ten minutes to walk.
Der Königsplatz ist ein kreisrunder Platz im Zentrum von Kassel. Er trennt die Obere von der Unteren Königsstraße und wird von den Gleisen der Straßenbahn zentral gekreuzt. Der Platz wurde 1767 im Rahmen der Neugestaltung der Stadt nach Plänen Simon Louis Du Rys angelegt. Seinen Namen erhielt er vom Schwedischen König.
The King space
The King space is a circular space in the center of Kassel. It separates the Upper from the Lower King Street and is crossed by the tracks of the central tranway which runs along these roads. It was created 1767 in the context of the city after plans Simon Louis Du Rys. He received his name from the swedish king.
Die Dönche Die Dönche ist ein großer grüner Punkt an der Grenze von Kassel. Sie ist auch eine wichtige Sauerstoffquelle von Kassel und sie liegt genau vor meinem Haus.
The Dönche The Dönche is a big green point on the border of Kassel. She is a important aerator spring of Kassel too and she is exact located before my house.
Die Rampe ist ein Mahnmal, das aussieht wie ein Waggon. Der Waggon soll an die Juden-Vernichtung unter Hitler während der Jahre 1933-1945 erinnern.
Die Rampe
Die Rampe is a memorial which looks like a waggon. The waggon wants to remind of the Jews who were killed in the years between 1933-1949 by the Germans.
Der Herkules Der Herkules ist zwischen 1701 und 1717 von Landgraf Karl dem Ersten erbaut. Der Herkules ist 70,5 m hoch. Die eigentliche Statue ist 8,25m hoch.
The Herkules The Herkules was built between 1701 and 1717 by Landgraf Karl the first. The Herkules is 70,5 meters high. The real statue is 8,25 meters high.
Das Fridericianum wurde von 1769-1779 erbaut. Von 1779-1943 war es auch die Landesbibliothek. Seit 1992 beherbergt das Fridericianum alle fünf Jahre die Documenta, eine Kunstausstellung.
The Fridericianum was built from 1769-1779. 1779-1943 it was the main library of the country. Since 1992 the Fridericianum houses at all five years the documenta, an art exhibition.
1894 wurde der Grundstein für die Lutherkirche gelegt. Im Krieg wurde die Lutherkirche ein Versteck für über 1000 Menschen. Im 2. Weltkrieg wurde sie zerstört. Nur der Turm wurde nicht zerstört, und er steht immer noch.
Lutherchurch Kassel
1894 the corner stone for the Lutherchurch was laid. Between the war the Lutherchurch was a hiding placefor 1000 people. It was destroyed during the 2nd world war. Only the tower of the church was not destroyed and it is still standing.
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