Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Florentin's church by Camille
Saint Peter In the Links
When was it built? We do not know because it is very ancient. In old documents we already find information on the church Saint Saint Pierre Aux Liens: XII century: «Florentin must be already live Seigneurial rights in favour of Abbot de Candeil by Raimond de Rigal of Florentine (1177). »Ed because we find archives giving evidence of donations of some Right seigneurial in favour of Abbot of Candeil by Rémond of Rigal of Florentin (1177). "
Why this church it is original ? This church is original because above the door it is written there " French republic, freedom, equality, brotherhood. "
Who are the most known priests? Three the oldest priests are:
- 1620…LIMOUSIN Barthélemy Vicar
- 1638…LAUDIE Raymond Vicar
- 1640…GINIEYS Vicar
The three cures the most recent are:
- 1985 … DESPRATE Bernard cleaned out by Fonlabourg
- 1987 … PERUFFO Vincent cleaned out by Marssac
- 2001 … VINCENEAU Jean Claude cleaned out by the cathedral ST CÉCILE
IME the medical educational Institute by Thomas R. and Lucie
In the time a Lord lived there.
This castle belonged to Alain De Chanterac.
This castle is situated next to
Florentin's church.
The S.C.A by Alexandre and Arnaud
The S.C.A (sporting club of Albi) is our rugby team. The colour of the t-shirt of Albi is yellow and black. There is a ring road which passes nearby the stadium where the players play rugby.
Florentin's school by Mathilde and Roxane
Just next to scool there is a senter (CLAE), which welcomes the pupils in the morning from 7:30 am till 8:50 am, at noom from 12 pm till 1:20 pm and in the evening from 4:30 pm till 6:30 pm.